Nirogaya Prime


92 Tests only for Rs. 1950

CBC, Blood Sugar LFT, Lipid Profile, RFT, Thyroid, Urine, eGFR Glycosylated, HB, Electrolytes, ESR, PBF, Calcium, Vitamin D


CBC Number of parameters = 23
HB, TLC, N%,L%,M%,E%,B%,
CHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, Platelet, MPV,
Blood Sugar LFT  Number of parameters = 1
Number of parameters = 12
Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubuin,
Indirect bilirubin, Protein, Albumin,
Globulin, A/G ratio, SGOT, SGPT, OT/PT
ratio Alkaline Phosphatase, GGT
Lipid Profile Number of parameters = 8
Chol, TG, HDL, LDL, VLDL, Chol/HDL,
RFT Number of parameters = 6
Urea, BUN, Creatinine, Uric Acid,
BUN/Crt ratio, Urea/Crt ratio
Thyroid Number of parameters = 3
T3, T4, ultra TSH
Urine Number of parameters = 25
Vol, Color, App, Spc gravity, Reaction,
Sediments, Glucose, proteins, Ketone
bodies, Bile salts, pigments,
Urobilinogen, Occult Blood, Nitrite, Pus
cells, Epith cells, RBC, Bacteria,
Parasites, Casts, Crystals, Amorphous
material, Yeast cells, Fat globules,
eGFR Glycosylated  Number of parameters = 1
HB Number of parameters = 2
HbA1c, Avg Blood glucose
Electrolytes Number of parameters = 3
Sod, Pot, Chloride
ESR Number of parameters = 1
PBF Number of parameters = 5
RBC morphology, Leucocyte
morphology, Platelets morphology,
Hemoparasites, Blood film Impression
Calcium Number of parameters = 1
Vitamin D Number of parameters = 1